Hydraulics BG

Availability: In Stock

Hydraulic systems hydraulic systems with a piston pump type UHPT


In its basic version, the power pack consists of an oil tank with necessary equipment, that is: a pump unit (electric motor – piston pump of variable displacement), filling filter with an air filter, oil level indicator (optical) with a feature of electric signaling the minimal level, inspaction hatch, oil drain plug, oil drain filter, manometer.

The system can be expanded to include a hydraulic control system – based on custom drawing, a system of temperature stabilising (air or water heat exchanger, heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller), and other hydraulic equipment, electrical control system.

  • tank capacity from 100 to 630 dm3
  • pump capacity, depending on the size of the tank from 18 to 100 cm3/obr.
  • electric motor power, depending on the size of the tank: from 7,5 to 75 kW
  • possibility of expansion based on custom drawing
  • can be equipped with a heat exchanger
  • possibility of selection of pump units
  • possibility of expansion based on custom drawing
  • available piston pumps with pressure controller, a controller of pressure and capacity and horse power limiter device.


WN pmax[MPa] Qmax[dm3/min]
100-630 28 140



